Keep up the pressure on our elected leaders. Let them know that you want better, more frequent, more reliable public transport.
Contact newspapers or radio
The Age — email
Herald Sun — or submit online
Use the points on this web site.
3AW radio: ring 133 683.
ABC 774 radio: ring 1300 222 774. SMS 0437 774 774.
Contact state politicians
Minister for Public and Active Transport
Gabrielle Williams

Phone: (03) 8660 7101
Address: Level 3, 1 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002
Shadow Minister for Public Transport
Matthew Guy

Phone: (03) 9850 7983
Address: Suite 7, 600 Doncaster Road Doncaster VIC 3108
Contact federal MPs
Contact your local federal MP to say you don’t support your money being used to provide Federal tax concessions for privately-built motorways or to fund new urban motorways, yet not provided for public transport improvements.
Help the PTUA directly
If you are not already a member, please join. The PTUA relies entirely on members for funding.
If you can, please contact us and get involved in a campaign.
YOU can make a difference
Think you can’t make a difference? Remember that a small team of PTUA volunteers convinced the government to reverse their policy and fund all-night trains every New Year’s Eve.